X-rays X-rays ;are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves. X-ray imaging creates pictures of the inside of your body. The images show the parts of your body in different shades of black and white. This is because different tissues absorb di



X-rays X-rays ;are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves. X-ray imaging creates pictures of the inside of your body. The images show the parts of your body in different shades of black and white. This is because different tissues absorb different amounts of radiation. Calcium in bones absorbs x-rays the most, so bones look white. Fat and other soft tissues absorb less and look gray. Air absorbs the least, so the lungs look black. The most familiar use of x-rays is checking for fractures (broken bones), but x-rays are also used in other ways. For example, chest x-rays can spot pneumonia. Mammograms use x-rays to look for breast cancer. When you have an x-ray, you may wear a lead apron to protect certain parts of your body. The amount of radiation you get from an x-ray is small. For example, a chest x-ray gives out a radiation dose similar to the amount of radiation you're naturally exposed to from the environment over 10 days. http://www.aoshitest.com/x-ray/

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    buon giorno,
    mi sono registrata,come faccio ad avere lo sconto di 10 euro cosi procedo all ordine?

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      Buon giorno, a breve ricevera’ il codice sconto nella sua mail

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      Anche io mi sono registrato entro il 31 agosto, come si attiva lo sconto?

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        L’offerta era valida per registrazioni effettuate entro il 10 Agosto ed il buono fruibile entro il 31 Agosto,
        Anche lei riceverà un piccolo codice promozionale di Benvenuto presto, verrà ricontattato…
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    Peccato! Mi sono registrato solo ieri!

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      Buongiorno, grazie per la registrazione, per darle il benvenuto riceverà anche lei un piccolo buono sconto promozionale… sarà presto ricontattato

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